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All sorts of useful information
14 articles

iConnectivity interfaces | Ports & Info Breakdown

At iConnectivity we make a lot of interfaces, and each one has a huge amount of functionality. So it's sometimes easy to get confused as to what features each individual interface offers. So here's a handy spreadsheet listing all of our interfaces which spells out just what each interface d...

What are the DIN and HST ports I see listed in my music software?

iConnectivity interfaces make several different types of MIDI ports available to you, both physical and virtual. Physical ports A DIN port is the physical round connector with 5 small pins that you find on the back of most MIDI modules and interfaces. They usually come in clusters of 2 ...

MacOS Compatibility

UPDATE: Feb 15, 2024 Mac OS Sonoma (14.3) is the latest. Details below on functionality Software compatibility information below: Auracle X - Working LifeSine - Working All interfaces will connect new and old. **Please check the Mac OS versions noted for our software on their download pages. To keep up to...

Will my iConnectivity interface work with USB-C?

What is USB-C? USB-C is without doubt becoming the standard system for transferring all sorts of data between computers and peripherals. However there is a lot of misunderstanding and misinformation about what exactly USB-C is and how it works. This article will attempt to dispel some of the myths ...

How to get the best performance on your Windows computer

Windows has come a long way over the past decade. Older versions of Windows had significant problems with audio & MIDI performance, but Microsoft have done a lot to improve that, particularly in recent years. However there are still a few tweaks you can make if you want the most stable and mos...

How do I register my iConnectivity interface?

To register your iConnectivity interface please visit this page Registration - iConnectivity Select Create New Account in the top right of the box: Now fill in all the requested information and click the button Create Account: Please check your email including all junk and spam...

What is the correct power supply for my interface?

iConnectivity interfaces have varying power requirements. Some can be powered via the USB bus, some require an external power adaptor, and some can operate in either mode. This spreadsheet will show you the power requirements of your specific interface:

How long should my USB cables be?

For reliable operation of digital audio and MIDI you need to be careful not to use very long USB cables. The USB specification recommends the following lengths: USB 1 devices have a maximum cable length of 3 meters (about 9 feet and 10 inches) and the maximum total length of all the USB cabl...

How can I test how MIDI is travelling between my iOS device and my Mac?

Recommended (free) apps for testing MIDI Wrench This app allows you to see incoming MIDI data from any port and send MIDI to any port usingthe knobs and keyboard on the bottom. This is very helpful to check MIDI sending and receiving but also to verify what port name the info is moving on. MIDIKe...

Windows Compatiblity

UPDATE: Feb 15, 2024 Windows 10 & Windows 11 Software compatibility information below: Auracle X - Working LifeSine - Working All interfaces will connect new and old. **Please check the Windows versions noted for our software and drivers on their download pages. To keep up to date with iConnectivity plea...

How do I save the settings on my iConnectivity interface?

Each iConnectivity interface may have a different way of saving an internal memory from the hardware but the process is generally the same for software on all interfaces. Hardware Save by Interface PA12 - Single click in on the Main knob mioXL - touch the Save LED button PlayAUDIO1U - Double click in t...

How can I update the interface channel names in my Mac?

Sometimes you might see a different naming scheme in your control software (Auracle or iConfig) but see a different naming in the DAW running on your Mac. This is usually because Apple's Audio MIDI Setup has not properly rescanned the interface after an iConnectivity firmware update. There is a resc...

Windows is telling me that there's an MSVCP100.dll Missing Error

This is a fairly common problem that can arise on some Windows systems. Follow this video guide to fix it: How To Fix MSVCP100.dll Missing Error

Screw Size - Rack shelf connection

If you look at the bottom of an iConnectivity interface you may notice there is a hole right in the middle. This hole is primarily used to screw your iConnectivity interface to a rackshelf. More specifically tailored for the iConnectivity rack shelf. If you have the rack shelf purchased directly fr...