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What does the Host port on my iConnectivity interface do?

USB Ports

One of the unique features of iConnecitivity interfaces is the addition of a port marked Host or USB-MIDI. This port is not a normal USB port - it is designed solely to enable your interface to act as a stand-alone host for USB-MIDI keyboards and modules. However that means it can only pass MIDI information - you cannot use it as a normal USB port, or pass audio data via it. It is effectively the same as having extra MIDI In and Out ports but in the form of a USB port. This means you cannot use this port to connect a computer, phone, or tablet, or any other type of standard USB device.

As a consequence of this some controllers and synthesizers that have extra functionality which requires a direct connection to a computer may not work fully or work at all via the USB-MIDI Host Port.

What you can use

Things you can plug into your USB-MIDI Host port:
  • Any standard USB hub
  • Class-compliant USB-MIDI keyboards
  • Class-compliant USB-MIDI controllers
  • Class-compliant USB-MIDI modules and drum machines
Yes, you can plug a USB hub into the Host port! You can then plug multiple USB-MIDI devices into your hub (up to 8 or more) and they will all be available as individual devices in your DAW software. This is a great way of expanding the capabilities of your interface. Almost any USB hub should work, even the cheapest unpowered ones. However if you have multiple MIDI devices that require power over USB in some cases you may need to use a powered hub so that enough power gets to all of your devices.

Note that MIDI keyboards and modules must be fully USB-MIDI class compliant. Most MIDI devices are, but some "smart" devices use non-compliant USB commands and may not work correctly. Please see our updated list of compatible MIDI devices for full details.